Young Ladies of the Village by Gustave Courbet, 1851-52
Among the differing styles of art that emerged from the Romantic Era included the Realism style of art. Realism art was "part of an art movement that last from 1840-1880", and was one that "revolted against the emotional and exaggerated themes of Romanticism (Ducksters, 2023). Realist painters "tried to depict the world as it appeared and didn't try to interpret the setting or add emotional meaning to the scenes" (Ducksters, 2023). Realist painters painted everyday subjects and people (Duckster, 2023). This painting titled Young Ladies of the Village that was done by Gustave Courbet is good example of the beauty that's associated with Realist art. Everything is detailed and is depicted as how the painter views it. This painting by Courbet was among a series of paintings that was devoted to the lives of women (The Met Museum). The 3 women in this painting are Courbet's sisters who are strolling in a valley near his native village (The Met Museum). It appears that Courbet's use of the realism style in this painting was to show how the women of this era appear and lived their lives. They wore long and modest clothing, and were seen covering their hair with hats or headwear to some extent. By examining this realist style within this work of art by Courbet, we can see the existence organic shapes, to go along with the exclusive use of bright and light colors & defined lines. I would like say that I am a fan of the realist style of art, since it's easier to see what the artist is trying to portray. I guess looking at it from Courbet's point of view, what you see here is what was a reflection of history and reality at that time. However, the realist style isn't necessarily my favorite, as there are other styles that I find very attractive. We will take a look at those examples.

Impression, Sunrise by Claude Monet, 1872
As mentioned earlier, the Romantic era generated different styles of art. Another form that came out of this era was the Impressionist style of art. Some art historian have stated that the Impressionist era is when art really began. One of the more notable impressionist pieces of artwork from the Impressionist era is this one titled Impression, Sunrise by Claude Monet. Look at this wonderful masterpiece, we can see the wonderful blend of brush strokes, the fusion of colors. The use of lines that appear to undefined in this painting by Monet creates a relaxed setting. The value within this painting is one of low contrast, which is something that is more common within the impressionist style than the realist style. I believe that what Monet was trying to accomplish here was to create something that was easy and simple for the observer. What comes to mind when I look at Sunrise, is that of a calm, relaxing, and positive setting. As a result, I believe that Monet intended to create this painting in part to make people feel happy about something that's simple. From this painting, we Monet's desire to draw our attention to reflection of the sun onto the sea. Such simplicity is why I prefer the impressionist style over the realist style.

Portraits at the Stock Exchange by Edgar Degas, 1878-79
Like Monet, Edgar Degas also produced works of art that were of the impressionist style. One of those impressionist style paintings by Degas is the Portraits at the Stock Exchange painting. Here in this painting, Degas "presents a glimpse of the busy Paris Stock Exchange" (The Met Museum). One aspect of the impressionist style that exhibited by Degas here is the application of sketchy, loose, brush strokes, lines, and dabs of color, when viewed, blended together to create a fusion of colors. It appears that the texture of this painting is soft, much like the rest of the other impressionist works of art. Degas is presenting a pleasant scene on the French Stock Exchange as a sign of how pleasant things were at that given time. This is one similarity between the impressionist and realist styles. However, unlike the realist style, there's plenty of wiggle-room within the impressionist style that allows for open subjective interpretation. We can see that here in this painting, as there's a lack detail on specific features of the painting. This was obviously done create an "impression", which is Degas accomplishes very well here.
The Gulf Stream by Winslow Homer, in 1899 (reworked in 1906)
Another fine example that illustrates that beauty that's associated with the Realist Art is this painting by Winslow Homer in 1899 that's titled the The Gulf Stream. This painting by Homer is named after the strong Atlantic currents that were near the locales where he used to paint (The Met Museum). Much of Homer's focus was centered around the power of the ocean (The Met Museum). This painting was done shortly after the death of his father, and is said to reflect Homer's presumed sense of mortality and vulnerability (Met Museum). The impression that I get from observing this painting is that Homer is trying to share some of the dangerous realities that he may have a faced during his winter trips to the Bahamas. Nevertheless, the use of watercolors, straight and curved lines, along with geometric/organic shapes to this painting brings emotions of adventure and excitement.
Ducksters. (2023). History: Realism Art for Kids. Ducksters. Retrieved from
This blog made me think more about both realism and impressionism. I hadn't known realist artists tried to avoid adding emotional meanings to their scenes, though I suppose it makes sense. I also had been of the opinion that I didn't really like impressionist art, but reading how you feel about it and your opinions on impressionist works opened me up to the style a bit more! I can definitely see the beauty and talent that went into making those pieces! Still, I prefer the realist pieces displayed here over the impressionist ones, particularly 'The Gulf Stream'. I love the way the water was done, and find the composition really engaging!
ReplyDeleteHello! I love your blog and the way you demonstrated impressionism. One of the paintings that I loved the most from your blog post, was the painting by Winslow Homer. The painting tells you so much in such a small way, it really shows that there is no controlling nature. Nor telling how dangerous it can be. I also really loved reading your opinion about the painting and how you saw it through your eyes!