Renaissance: A closer look at Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper

One of the more prominent works that arose during the Renaissance Era was that of the world renowned painting known as the The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. This da Vinci masterpiece reflected Da "Vinci's humanistic tendancy to transform his ideas regarding human nature and the physical world into a portrayal of a religious scene" (Study). The Last Supper painting reflects a powerful image which shares the story of Jesus sharing his last meal with his disciples, one of whom he believes will betray him. For this piece of art, Da Vinci "uses one point perspective, which involves all the lines in the painting converging into one place, known as the vanishing point" (Galileo Educational Network). This was important in trying to emphasize the significance of the central figure in the painting, which happens to be Jesus (Galileo Educational Network). The texture of The Last Supper is "essentially soft" by virtue of the paint and material that was be...